
RBSS Newsletter January 24, 2025

January 24, 2025

January 24, 2025

Good afternoon,

After a first semester of phone and tech restrictions, teachers are reporting:

  1. Increased engagement with learning in the classroom
  2. Fewer disruptive behaviours in class
  3. Increased attention to assignments and projects in class
  4. More pro-social, face-to-face relationship building between students throughout the day

Most students are handling the restrictions brilliantly.  As we move into Semester Two, staff will continue to enforce tech-free classroom rules.  Listening to headphones and earbuds during class is a distraction to learning and will be a focus for Semester Two.  

As adults, we know that time away from technology is good for kids.  Many students report that enforced tech-free time is a “nice break” from the pressures of social media, texting, and endless selfie-taking.  Thank you for all your support, Bateman families:  we couldn’t do it without you!

Stay safe,

Mrs. Jennifer Koehler

Principal, Robert Bateman Secondary 


Important for Monday, January 27:  NEW SCHEDULE!


Students should log on to MyEd for their Semester Two schedule.  

Room and staffing changes are updated.  Please note the changes before Monday. 

Every student should bring a copy of their schedule to school for the first day of Semester Two on Monday.  Counsellors and admin will be in the foyer early to help those who forget to check, and Mrs. Fussi in counselling is always able to reset MyEd log-ins.  


Changing a schedule

Schedule changes will only be considered at this time for students missing graduation requirements,  re-timetabling failed classes, and if a student is in the wrong level in a subject.  Requests to be moved into class with friends or switch teachers will not be entertained.  

Important upcoming dates:

January 27 – First day of Semester Two

January 28 – No LET

January 28 – Lunar New Year celebrations 


Looking forward to February...

February 7 –   SLO#4 (9:30 start time)

February 14 – Pro-d (no students in attendance)

February 17 – Family Day (school is closed)