Learning Support Services (LSS)
Bateman has an amazing student support system that is designed to meet the personal needs of every student in order for them to be successful. Students do not need to sign up for these courses as they are placed into these programs by teacher, counsellor and administrative referral.
ELL Program
(English Language Learners)
RBSS offers several courses designed to support language acquisition for students whose first language is not English. These courses are designed for International students as well as new Canadians. Students will be placed in classes where the level is appropriate for their ability. Placement will be based upon standardized testing and consultation with a counsellor/ESL teacher. Levels offered include: Reception, Intermediate and Advanced.
Teacher Contact - Mrs. S. Kieft
Learning Assistance
The goals of Learning Assistance are two-fold:
1) To provide services to the school, its teachers and students through assessment, direct instruction and consultation;
2) Maintain students in the regular classroom.
Learning Assistance at the secondary level is intended to support students with learning difficulties ranging from mild to severe so that they may achieve success in core academic subjects. Referrals can be made by either a counsellor, teacher or administrator and then presented to School-Based Team for ratification. Placements range from a few weeks to several terms.
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities at the secondary level is assessment-based. Placement is done through the district screening team. LD students are supported in the regular classroom and in the LD Resource Room. An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is written for each student. To book an IEP meeting for any of our LD teachers, please contact Mrs. Barclay or Mr. McGillvray.
Teacher Contacts- Mrs. E. Barclay, Mr. B. Mcgillvray
Work Study Program
Students in the Work Study Program are supported in the regular classroom and in the resource centre. This program emphasizes skills necessary for successful independent living. These include functional academics, work and community behaviour and vocational training. Placement is done through the district screening team and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed for each student.
Teacher Contact -Mr. David Martens
Resource Room Program
Students in the Resource Room Program must meet ministry criteria and are referred by a district screening committee. Students are encouraged to develop life skills, communication, leisure and social skills at their individual level of need. Students are integrated in varying degrees within the school population. In their senior years, students will increase their work skills and community access skills while being increasingly integrated into various community work sites and activities.
Teacher Contact - Mr. Rick Schellenberg