School Fees
The Board of Education reviews and approves fees for schools and academies every school year. (Usually in April/May for the following school year.)
The School Act, Section 87(4) permits a Board to charge a deposit for educational resources. Schools may charge deposits for materials given to students and provide refunds upon return, subject to Administrative Procedure #317, "School Fees".
District standardized fees are set in three areas:
Parking Permits at Secondary schools: $16
Graduation Fee (basic cost): $60
Student Activity Fee for Secondary schools: $30*
Academy fees range depending on Academy program expenses. Please contact the school to confirm Academy fees.
Please pay school fees and optional items online at https://abbotsford.schoolcashonline.com/
* to cover costs of student agendas, guest speakers, student cards, school events, student recognition, student leadership, lock and locker rental.
In addition to district standardized fees, AP exam fees set by the Advance Placement Collegeboard will also be charged to students taking these exams. These will be charged in the fall.