RBSS News December 6, 2024
We will be sending an email to families each week on Friday morning to highlight important dates to put on your family calendar and general information that will help your family plan for the week ahead. Details for events are usually posted on our Instagram page, on the televisions in hallways, and on daily announcements.
Important Dates
December 11 - Grad retakes – see our Instagram page for the link to sign up
December 12 – Christmas Concert in the big gym – by donation
December 13 – Grad Breakfast hosted by Grad Families in the Round Room
December 13 – “Holidays in NY Pep Rally” in the gym for all students
December 17 – PAC is hosting a breakfast for staff in the Staff Room; please see their Facebook page: “Robert Bateman PAC”
December 20 – Last day of classes before the holiday break
Why are RBSS flags at half-mast?
Flags are at half-mast until sunset on December 15, 2024, the day of the provincial state memorial service for John Horgan, former Premier of British Columbia, who passed away in Victoria on November 12, 2024.
As well, flags are at half-mast on December 6 to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and the 35th anniversary of the murder of 14 young women at Polytechnique Montreal. We will speak to this today on announcements and on our Instagram page at roberbatemansecondary.
Getting Ready for the Holidays
Please have your child clear out their locker over the next two weeks: washing and old sandwich wrappers need to go home so that our school stays clean and safe over the break.
Communication and Supporting Your Child
All staff emails are found on our school website at robertbateman.abbyschools.ca. We all know that family support is integral to student success. Please reach out early, especially when your child is telling you that they are struggling with learning. Flex is a time for students to go to their teachers for one-on-one help, as our January 23-24 Enhanced Learning Support days, but regular communication between home and our school is essential to best support our students.
Extended Absences
We do not recommend missing school for a vacation; most of your child’s learning happens in the classroom with their teacher. However, if you choose to remove your child from classes from more than three days, please let staff know as soon as possible and fill in an Extended Absence/Vacation form. You can find this on our website and through your child’s teachers.